23 Mar 2017














2017 洛根是他最后演狼獾了



14 Mar 2017





没有王子,美人鱼是不是就不会知道人类的世界? 也就就不会去找海里的巫婆的帮忙?也就不会有那版无比的疼痛每当她走每一步?








信写道 男孩遇见车祸的那一天,本来还活着,针扎着要从车里逃出去看到的路人没一个向前去帮忙,就应为害怕车会爆炸,男孩坐的车就让火慢慢慢慢的吃了男孩


29 Apr 2016

Yabu Kota News

Hi everyone, anyone and nobody

As you can see today topic is Yabu Kota News, who is Yabu Kota? you ask, well if you are a Jpop person he isn't unfamiliar to you, anyway just a short intro to you

Yabu Kota, Age - 26, Leader of 9 member group called, Hey Say Jump from Johnny Entertainment, Highest Education - Waseda University

Before I start he is the reason why I re-open my blog again, ok lets start

So one day I accidentally open my fb (I don't really open my fb) so anyway I say this video from a friend and saw appearing on the show call Koyama's show, Yabu crying and of cause I watch the video which is a premier he say "I dunno why I am in this group. Even if I left jump, there would probably be people who didn't realise"

Ok this where I get angry and pissed and also disappointed from him

1. As a leader you'll already know is not an easy job as this position was never was easy

2. Do you really think you left jump no one will notices? Hell No! People will know that their leader is gone

3. Why will he dare to say this in front of the show? Partly also his member fault, his way of thinking is because his member isn't there to care for him, isn't there to thank him his doing

4. Not all member is busy, you think we're stupid? you think we don't know that?

5. Most important he been caring the heaviest things of all is every member mistake, I believe all Jumper know about Morimoto Ryutaro mistake, he is the first to talk, to apologise, the others just freaking shut their mouth and bow, without you do you really think that Jump can be carry on? once my mum told me there is no one without someone will die or unable to do things, yes they aren't but just look at the bunch of them, without you carrying out many things they won't have what they are now

6. Yamada Ryosuke popular because of Mr.Johnny,  Nakajima Yuto Popular because his acting, Chinen Yuri popular because of his pretty face, Okamoto Keito popular is because of his english, Arioka Daiki popular because of his hosting skills, Yaotome Hikaru popular because of his rap, Inoo kei popular maybe because of he is smart? Takaki Yuya I don't know, Yabu Kota I don't know too

But look at something in comment, if is not because of Mr.johnny do you really think Yamada can be so popular? can have drama by drama, movie by movie? I don't think so

Nakajima have his drama and drum and that's it

Chinen pretty face

Keito have his english and guitar and that's it

Daiki have his host and that's it

Hikaru have bass, rap, writing of lyrics and compose music

Inoo....I have no idea

Takaki .....I have no idea

Yabu have his guitar, writing of lyrics and compose music

7. I really don't know why he don't want to show his talent of those, I heard a music of him and hikaru doing an amazing song and that is it? no, come on you can do things way better then this why thinking of such things

I know many jumper will be having to scold my by the 6 point but if you think of it is the true, I don't mind getting bash, scold and also being bully by it anyway

I guess Yabu don't know how people support him

My Feeling My thinking My thoughts


Hello to everybody, anybody and nobody

Anyway I decided to re-open my blog again, to um....say why I think about
I always though that ONLY overseas can get my brain and thoughts on the use I guess but then again I was wrong

Reason I want to re-open it because of someone that make me feel like I should be re-opening it again, as for who is the person well, you will know soon but I will get scold by his fan, anyway I since decided to write/type it out, I'm not scared to get scolded get saying mean things and being bash in the internet

My feeling My way My thoughts

19 Apr 2014

Kuroshitsuji Live Movie

went to see kuroshitsuji today result....they change a lot

first - in anime Ciel is a boy as everyone knew but in movie Ciel is a GIRL!?!!! reason is because boy can take over the place?? anyway~ they take 2 ep from kuro and put it together, one is the Mdm red another is Ciel got kidnap

second - mdm red SHOULD be wearing RED that's the reason behind her name mdm red, because she used to dislike red but because of Ciel father she like red don't know see kuro ep 4 about 'Jack The Ripper'

third - about Ciel got kidnap a little different because of the case

fourth - movie and anime different

Ciel change the name and also as I mention change of gender too which is a bit weird, also lack of Ciel coolness and something that Ciel have but I don't know what is it but other then that is ok

Sebastian is there, but lack of the demon side and also his moment with Ciel the mouth fight is there a bit but is not really there, and their fight isn't there too, Sebastian between his worker in the mansion isn't there which make me really disappointed, other then that ok

Tanaka is there will he is just there siting and doing what tanaka do so I guess is ok

Meirin is there but change the name to lyn which is weird and she been servicing the Phantomhive for years according to the movie before Ciel parents dead, BUT according to anime, Meirin was ask to work in Phantomhive by Sebastian himself in the last few ep of kuro but her shooting she should have is there and her clumsier is there which is good BUT between Meirin and her crush Sebastian isn't there and also Sebastian toward Meirin trust isn't there so a bit disappointed

Mdm Red is there but name changed and also her attitude isn't there epically mdm red perverseness towards Sebastian

Undertaker is there but one thing make me disappointed is there he was there for a few second and also according to movie he accept money BUT according to anime he SHOULD be accepting jokes which he found in the human word is interested to him

fifth - alot of characters been missing in this movie, like the cook Baldroy he is the one who cook but also end up overcook or burn

Finnian the gardener who have super strength but small size

Lau isn't there I don't have much expect of Ran Mao but she isn't there too

Elizabeth Ciel's fiancée slash cousin, since Ciel isn't a boy so Elizabeth isn't there

Grell Sutcliff SHOULD be there because Mad Red is there in anime Grell Sutcliff saw Mad Red kill women and they make contract but in move Grell Sutcliff isn't there

Arthur Randall and Fred Abberline isn't there too but well they are police so is ok since in anime they don't appear much

but in totally, the movie is great

20 Nov 2013




曾经听过 “怀你的时候是你爸爸不要你” 的这一句话,虽然已经是很久了可是却深深的刻在我心里,永远不会忘记这句我妈对我说过的这一句话,为什么?我自己都不知道

曾以为那是最最狠的一句从我妈口里说出来的一句,可是很不对的她就在昨天早上说了很多狠话,“人家说生女的很好,可是生到想她这样的我吐血” “在知道不要生你” 还有跟多的狠话可是当她说了那么多的时候,我想“你那么不喜欢我,那就不要生我啊,为什么还要生我?我那么给你没有脸去和你的朋友说,我有多好不烂到连你自己都不想说,那你有姐姐一个不就够了吗?为什么要我?你那姐姐她一个去说去比较不就好了吗?当做你没有我不就好了?反正有没有我还不是一样?我又没有要你生下我” 我很想说可是说不出

听妈妈说过,我在她肚子的时候两次差一点流产,那时侯听了心里说 “哇还好我生下来了” 可是现在另外一个我会想 “早知道是这样就让我流掉啊” 另一个说 “幸好没有流掉”







16 Nov 2013


珍惜于不珍惜,今天的主题是《珍惜于不珍惜》 会不会觉得很奇怪呢?《珍惜不珍惜》很多人都会觉得自己已经知道是什么可是,有没有人知道意思到底又是什么呢?意思虽然浅可是却有很深的意思







